Friday May 3rd, 2024
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Going to the Mov-Ads

Sometimes we're not sure whether we're watching a film or one long advert...

Staff Writer

Going to the Mov-Ads

We watch movies for escapism; to get away from the noise, stress and worries of everyday life. But the way the movie industry has progressed, and the amount of money that is involved in it, the line between movie and advert has blurred. We’re not talking about the days of yesteryear when a cheeky Nokia would appear in the sexy protagonist’s hands or a superhero would crash into a big Marlboro truck.

No, we’re talking about full-length feature films whose plots revolve around a brand, pulling you in with an all-star cast, just so you end up watching one long commercial. We like to call them Mov-Ads. Here are some of the most in-your-face ones. 

The Internship

Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn gang up with a group of misfits in a fish-out-of-water story with a happy ending. So basically, it’s Old School but flooded with information about Google+’s new features.

Step Up 3

A bunch of kids want to make it in the world of street dance and the only way to do it? Get the most hits on YouTube, of course!

Cast Away

The most elaborate advert in the history of moving picture: Man working for Fed-Ex gets marooned on a desert island for years. Man finally found and makes sure to deliver the package he is stranded with. Sure, he’s good at his job but what if there had been a satellite phone in there all along? You didn’t think of that one, did you Hanksy?

New Year’s Eve

Oh yeah, sure. Because everyone knows that you haven’t celebrated NYE properly until you’ve partied in Times Square with thousands of other good-looking people and, most importantly, wearing Nivea hats and giant foam hands.

The Greatest Movie Ever Sold

This one is a bit different. The director, Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me), takes the whole Mov-Ad thing way too far by bringing us the first movie to ever make a profit before it is released. It‘s a film about making a film about making a film about product placement. Simple, really!


With Apple being the behemoth that it is, there is no way they would allow a film about its creator, Steve Jobs, to be released without making sure that everyone left the cinema mystified by the magical aura of an iProduct. Unfortunately, it was terrible. It’s an awful, awful film. So bad, in fact, that we're now going to tweet about how bad it is on our iPhones.
