Wednesday May 8th, 2024
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Hesham Mansour Wasn’t The Only One! Bushra and Samo Zein Crop Out Director Marwan Mosallam

One majorly awkward cropped-out-of-celebrity-group-selfie situation in one week was just not enough. Director Marwan Mosallam shares his pain on Facebook.

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Hesham Mansour Wasn’t The Only One! Bushra and Samo Zein Crop Out Director Marwan Mosallam

Actor/director Marwan Mosallam got himself cropped out of his picture with singer Samo Zein and actress Bushra, therefore officially sharing the Cropped Out Suffering Syndrome with Hesham Mansour, who also got himself cropped out of Angham and Mona Zaki’s selfie a few days ago. Ouch. How many times do we need to say this guys; when you spot two celebrities you want to snap a selfie with, either cram yourself in the middle, or sit on any of their laps.

Both of the images have been deleted from both accounts (but we found them anyway, below) due to what we can only assume was the most awkward conversation ever, which we think went this way:

Marwan: Hey there Bushra!

Bushra: *Awkward silence*

M: Yeah, so about that picture you posted...

B: What picture?

M: The one with you and Samo!

B: Yes, malha?

M: You look very beautiful in it.

B: Thanks! You too.

M: *Cries*

The original image:

Bushra's swift edit:

Mosallem's response: